Private Consultation
Private Consulting
Contact us for more information about custom designed workshops and presentations, private counseling, mentoring, coaching, and consulting involving problem solving, strategic planning, optimum performance for individuals, couples and organizations.
What to Expect
In addition to the workshops and trainings Dr. Ted Klontz leads, he also offers private consulting either on a retainer basis or through an hourly/daily rate.
Dr. Klontz will more than likely be inviting you to consider attending a custom designed intensive ½ day, full day and/or multiple day workshop. Concentrated time results in a compounding value.
Some of the experiences will involve being with and around others, sometimes just you.
If you miss a session without letting Dr. Klontz know at least 24-hours ahead of the appointment, you will be invoiced for that time. If Dr. Klontz misses a session without 24-hour notice, your next one is at no charge.
If you need a regular appointment time and day (7:00 PM Monday evenings, for example) Dr. Klontz may not be able to do that.
Dr. Klontz's goal in working with you is to have you walk away understanding and knowing that there is nothing wrong with you. Many times, the stress or distress you are experiencing is simply the tension between what culture and society expects of you, what they have taught you about yourself, and how they expect you to be in the world, because today we aren’t naturally wired to do these things.
The dominant decision-making part of our brain has not received an operating system software update for 100,000 years, which makes it inefficient when we try to meet some of these cultural and societal demands. When we understand that, we can focus on strategies to workaround that ancient programming and spend less time and energy “battling” inefficient and ineffective behaviors.
Dr. Klontz uses experiential methods in interacting with clients. (Note that word is experiential, not experimental). The research suggests and Dr. Klontz's 40+ year career experience supports, that it is essential to engage the subconscious part of the brain to effect behavior change.
Since the subconscious doesn’t understand or process language, words, or abstract concepts, engaging the senses enhances and expedites change. Dr. Klontz teaches people how they can use these tools.
Sheri Grant, President
Reid Family Foundation
Intuitive and trustworthy
There is no one I trust more than Ted to help me sort through the complications of running a family foundation while strengthening family relationships.
He has been instrumental
Ted has worked with me to craft a science based approach to working with clients that helps them truly integrate their money with their lives.
Lee Gerdes, CEO
Brain State Technologies
Has been a mirror to help me
No one I've met on the planet can help my understanding of an "optimized me" better than
Dr. Ted. Klontz.