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Forest Lake

Embracing The Authentic Self

An Ultimate Listening® Experience

Rediscover your Authentic Self


January 8-12, 2025

Kauai, Hawaii

Program Cost: $2,500/person


May 1-5, 2025

The Farm; Franklin, TN

Program Cost: $1,395/person

This will be Ted's Last Farm Workshop



If you are interested in scheduling a private intensive with Ted to take place at “The Farm” outside of Nashville, Rapid City, SD or near Boulder, Colorado contact us for details.




Experience Your Brain "On Nature" 

Being in nature allows the prefrontal cortex, which is our "Executive Brain" to slow down and rest, like an overused muscle.  By measuring brainwaves, scientists are proving that nature makes us healthier, happier and smarter.


Nature Based Self Discovery

When you get out in nature, whether it be a remote forest in a national park, or go for a walk in your neighborhood, you are elevating your mood, relaxing your mind and reducing stress.

Wilderness Soul Work

Awaken to Your Wisest Self

Engage in nature based exercises designed to encourage you to listen to yourself.  Within a safe group of people, you have the opportunity to share what you discover.

Embracing The Authentic Self

“Honestly, I don’t believe I could tell you exactly who I really am.”  This message, in some form, is one Ted has heard from more than a few people he has had the privilege of listening to.  “I can tell you what I believe, I can tell you what I do, I can tell you the various roles I play, and yet, I know deep down, I am more than those things…much more. I just couldn’t tell you for sure, what that is.”


This workshop is designed to help rediscover our oft-neglected authentic selves.  Through a variety of nature-infused, interactive, personal and group activities, attendees will be invited to learn how to better embrace and nurture their unique selves.     


Sometimes losing touch with our authentic selves (or never remembering ever being in touch with them) manifests itself in a vague gnawing dissatisfaction with “how things are.”   What used to be great, isn’t so much anymore.  Though we tell ourselves that we should be happy, content and satisfied, we find ourselves restless and out of sorts. Our lives feel like a once well-fitting favorite coat that now chaffs us; we have unexpectedly outgrown it.  We find we have to put aside too much of ourselves as we go about our daily life.  Quantum physics suggests that the universe is expanding, and since we are a part of that universe, we are expanding too. 


Why is living authentically important?  The more we discover our true nature, the less dissonance there is between what we do, how we enact the roles we play, and what we believe.  This place of congruency is where peace, grace and a general contentment with our lives reside.  We are no longer at war with these aspects of ourselves.  The bonus is that we are also more at peace with the world we live in.   It has been suggested that the best gift we can ever give to our world is to make peace with who we are.  Unfortunately, the internal war we carry is a gift we hand down to the next generation(s) to fight.


Join us for this grand adventure and be amazed at who you discover yourself to be with others who are on that same quest. 


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